
Rumen Optimizer™

Rumen Optimizer™

Rumen Optimizer™
Reg. No.
Red Meat Produce

Rumen Optimizer™

  • Rumen Optimizer is a 16 % protein product that contains very high natural as well as bypass proteins.
  • This product is mainly used as creep feeding for large and small stock.
  • The product prevents weaning shock and can also be used to maintain the growth potential of young animals.
  • The high energy and bypass protein fraction ensure the best development of rumen papilla, which contribute to more efficient growth and animals that are market ready sooner.
  • Rumen Optimizer also relieves the pressure on ewe / cows resulting in better re-conception.
  • The bypass protein increase milk production as well as the quality of the colostrum(biesmelk).
  • Rumen Optimizer can also be used as a veld finishing product.
  • Rumen Optimizer contains a vitamin and mineral pack that meets the needs of young growing animals.
  • This urea-free product is also suitable for game.
  • The product is supplied at 1 % of body mass to animals on natural grazing or on ad lib hay.
  • Rumen Optimizer is extremely suitable for the preparation and finishing of show and auction animals.
Composition Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 160 -
ME (ruminant) estimate g/kg 10.50 -
Moisture g/kg - 120
Fat g/kg 25 85
Fibre g/kg - 110
Vitamin A g/kg 4000 -
Vitamin E g/kg - -
Calcium g/kg - 10
Phosphorus g/kg 4 -
Potasium g/kg 5 -
Sulphur g/kg 1.5 -
Magnesium mg/kg 20 -
Copper mg/kg 10 -
Manganese mg/kg 30 -
Zinc mg/kg 70 -
Cobalt mg/kg 0.3 -
Iodine mg/kg 0.8 -
Selenium mg/kg 0.3 -

This feed contains NPN from Ammonium Chloride and/or Ammonium Sulphate and must be fed strictly according to instructions. This product contains no urea. See overleaf.

NPN Warning:

  • Vinegar is an effective remedy against NPN poisoning.
  • Mix with equal amount of water.
  • Dose: Half a bottle per calf or large sheep or 2 to 4 bottles per head of cattle (1 bottle = 750 ml).
  • Protect this farm feed against rain. NPN is soluble and animals drinking such a solution could be poisonous.
  • Do not feed this farm feed indiscriminately with other NPN containing farm feeds. Consult an animal scientist.
  • Keep the lick troughs filled and prevent gluttonous eating by hungry animals. A constant daily intake can prevent poisoning.
  • Before feeding a NPN containing lick, feed an ordinary salt/phosphate lick for at least 7 days.
Mixing/Feeding Instructions

 Feed Rumen Optimizer daily at a rate of approximately 1% of body mass.