
Blog - "Norbert Neumann"

Posted by Norbert Neumann on 3 Aug 2022
Hierdie is woorde wat mens aan die dink sit, en indien nie, dink weer daaroor! Navorsing se primêre doel is om nuwe omgewings- en produksieaspekte op die voorgrond te plaas. Praktyke en benaderings wat fokus op groei(kg), produksie (weiveld), effektiwiteit, innovering, vernuwing en volhoubaarheid, om ‘n paar te noem. Navorsing lewer ‘n besondere inset aan die landbouer. Die onderstaande aspek kom ook uit die navorsing, nie nuut nie, maar vandag nog relevant. Groei en voer omset effektiwiteit van jong diere. Prestasie van die boerdery word gemeet aan produksie (groei by diere) en… Read More
Posted by Norbert Neumann on 28 May 2020
Kruipvoeding is nie ‘n nuwe konsep nie. Die konsep is al reeds vir baie jare bekend, maar word dit nie baie wyd in Namibie aangewend nie. Die benadering om kruipvoeding toe te pas moet reg wees en moet daar na sekere aspekte gekyk word om te verseker dat positiewe resultate verkry word, want dit is wat die boer soek. Niemand wil verliese maak in so ‘n oefening nie. Daarom is dit belangrik om na ‘n paar aspekte te kyk en dit is juis hier waar Voermeester hul ervaring met die boere wil deel. Wanneer moet jy kruipvoeding oorweeg? Dit sal afhang van die doel van die kruipvoeding; hetsy vir die… Read More
Posted by Norbert Neumann on 25 Jan 2017
Change in the present farming business is inevitable now more than 50 years back. With the global environment playing an all bigger part and influencing the on-farm decision making, change cannot be ignored in any way. In the previous Agra Ring publication (Dec ‘16/Jan ’17) the focus was on-change in general. Figure 1 shows the behavioural change within persons and the nett result of all communication and actions with the influence of positive and negative forces, changing from an existing horizon (present level of intervention) to a new level of intervention, de Klerk and Düvel (1982).… Read More
Posted by Norbert Neumann on 17 Jan 2017
What influences our decisions making process? Why do we repeat practices within our farming business, nevertheless the fact that we are through such difficult times already once! This change process is more complex that one imagine as this derives from aspects that are not commonly investigated by ourselves nor that we make time to learn these aspects as these are not tangible, unknown to us or because it needs another level of intervention and understanding with which we are not familiar of. Our thinking and action is shaped by our past (near or far) and also applies to farming practice we… Read More